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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

yo ppl . nobdy talkin . bt nbms. letme talk myself ._. lol .
i think im crazy ,
byes .
adar (:

3:38 PM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Friday, March 14, 2008

de blog ishh dead
hmms , hope every1 had a gd holi ?
study hardd .. MORE TESTS are cumin up !

9:33 PM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Come on 1e1!!! You are once a 1e1 member so please post something in this blog. IT seems to be dead. No offences.
There is a notice on the president award for teachers. Who will you think is the suitable teacher that will win this award?
Or maybe what characteristics must a teacher have in order to win or have the award?
Come on discuss about it!!!

9:33 PM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

&& Happy Boxing Day to
anybody who is reading
this post, on this blog,
currently :D hahahaa,
okay im a little late,
its 27th dec already, but
nvm! hahh! at least i had
the heart to wish you a
happy boxing day; but
belated (:

and, okay, i dont know what
t post, so i shall just do some
random post lah, and belated
xmas too! hahahaaa, okay
belated everything! but then,
its still not late to wish you a
merry christmas okay, like,
christmas is 15days! HAH :D

well, so i shall post some random
shyt for all of you now =x since
i see this blog 'dead'. kind of lah.
pathetic =/ okay..

if any of you hasn't watch
Alvin and the Chipmunks, i swear,
you ought to catch it. its frigging
cute, and Theodore's voice is
actually Jesse MacCartey voice.
so yah, its a really cute show.
oh andand, I Am Legend is a
frigging good show too. kinda
'scares' people but yah. its a
nice show overall, worth watching!
but then, if you have heart attk
or seriously cnt take shocks, you
better not watch it. HAH. tsktsk.

okay i guess there's nothing else
i can blog about ._. besides..
enjoy ur holidays! tho its
ending soon lah ): ought to spend
ur time wisely now! hahaaaa, go
out and slackkk. while you can ;D
okay, enough of rubbish random
shyts. ~.~ see alena, im so nice.
help you keep this blog alive, somehow.
HAHA. ;D see an uber long post again.
aites, CHAO PEEPS (:

; joeyTAN,
time flies, it really does.
before you even know it,
its 27th december. and sch's
reopening soon. real soon.
CHAO! oh oh, and listen
t How Six Songs Collide,
by Norwegian Recycling.
i swear its effing nice, and
so fluent that you can't tell,
its 6 songs merged together!
if ure looking for some new
songs, do check that out! (:

12:08 AM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I dreamt of Gerard Way. Twice.


8:42 PM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Went to the MCR concert yesterday and it was freaking fun. I jumped, I rocked, I screamed & I sang. I even recorded the concert took pictures and videos. Too bad there wasn't a signing. Plus the seats were so far away. If only I got the free standing tix. Anyway, the electrifying concert made me lose my voice and my feet hurt.


MCR. =]

1:39 AM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

lalalas. and in a blink
of an eye, th holidays
are ending soon. fast
eh -.- and tada. here
i am blogging again
-_- nothing t do luh.

wow alena's a paparazzi
to be or smth eh -.-
know so many ppl in th
class, quite well. hah!
anyways. i do agree with
ur points luh =x. and
i think agus is a UBER GD
friend. =/ its really fun
sitting beside him lah. lol.
who ask him so gd in maths
chinese and art. *jealous

but too bad. i cnt get him t
draw me some drawings anymore.
hah. ~.~

; joeyTAN.
Alena, thanks for th memories,
too. for what u've done. (: ily,too.
heh ;D. i miss those dayssss. aha

1:49 PM

FriendsForever, MemoriesTogether.